June 23, 2017 - A couple of years ago, a group of Mississippi State University researchers were using new technology to map the Lower Pearl River delta for forecasters when they saw an alien species — of plant, ...
June 2, 2017 - Mississippi State's chief research officer will play a key leadership role in a new statewide maritime technologies initiative.
Gov. Phil Bryant announced the formation of his Ocean Task Force today [June ...
June 2, 2017 - Gray Turnage is looking forward to the day when he no longer has to trudge through mud to do coastal wetland research. Turnage is an invasive species expert with
Turnage is an invasive species expert ...
May 31, 2017 - Governor coming to Coast to Create Ocean Task Force
Gov. Phil Bryant will be on the Coast on Thursday to formally create an ocean task force, but his office isn't saying exactly what it is or what its ...
May 12, 2017 - The Strategic Conservation Assessment of Gulf Coast Landscapes (SCA) Project Team announces the availability of three positions to support the SCA project. These positions are for a Postdoctoral Associate ...
April 6, 2017 - Announcement for the position of Project Assessment Coordinator for the Strategic Conservation Assessment of Gulf Coast Landscapes (SCA) project. The Restore Council approved the SCA project as one among ...
November 21, 2016 - The recently released NSF Higher Education Research and Development Survey for Fiscal Year 2015 places the university at 94th overall among public and private institutions in the country, based on $226.4 ...
October 31, 2016 - A Mississippi State geosciences faculty member is among 10 recipients of the prestigious Early Career Research Fellowship awarded by the Washington, D.C.-based National Academies of Sciences, Engineering ...