Climate Change and Climate Variability Effects on Regional Ecosystems
This research theme focuses on the effects of climate change and climate variability on marine ecosystems, adjacent watersheds, and the socioeconomic well-being of the region. It also addresses how the ecosystem affects climate processes.
Coastal Hazards
This research theme encompasses the physical and biological systems as well as the biological and socio-economic dimensions associated with coastal hazards, such as population increases, that are of concern to agencies responsible for the public good of coastal regions and for a sustainable Gulf of Mexico.
Ecosystem Management
This research theme promotes sustainable coastal development, facilitating community resiliency, and enabling an ecosystem-based approach to management, including fisheries management. Enhanced scientific understanding of the interconnections between the marine ecosystem and the adjacent watershed including their resource stewardship implications drive the focus of these efforts.
Effective and Efficient Data Management Systems Supporting a Data-driven Economy
This research theme investigates, develops, and tests innovative data stewardship solutions. The research addresses gaps in data management capacity resulting from the development of new environmental data sensors and platforms, larger data volumes, and increased public demand for information. These efforts enhance NOAA’s data management, visualization, and dissemination capabilities.