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Research on interconnections among Gulf of Mexico ecosystems.
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NGI News

Mississippi State's UAS Expertise on Display

December 22, 2014

The Association for Unmanned Vehicle Systems International (AUVSI), a leading industry trade group spent two days in Mississippi recently, and a highlight of the visit was a survey mission led by Mississippi State Northern Gulf Institute researchers and NOAA scientists.

AUVSI which is based in Arlington, VA is the world's largest non-profit organization devoted exclusively to advancing the unmanned systems and robotics community in defense, civil and commercial sectors. Representatives from AUVSI, the FAA, local economic development officials and media joined scientists for a briefing at the INFINITY Science Center in Hancock County followed by a boat ride into the lower Pearl River swamp to watch a UAV launch and recovery operation. The mission deployed a UAV over the Pearl River State Wildlife Management Area near Slidell, LA.

NOAA and MSU are mapping the water level under varying conditions and assisting with the development of a dynamic flood model for the area. The team is studying a number of factors, including how the river sediments move and how fallen timber and other river debris affects flow, among others.

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