A Principal Investigator wishing to submit a proposal through NGI should work with the sponsored programs office at his/her institution to submit the proposal package electronically to the Program Office. The complete proposal package should consist of the following:
- Cover Sheet
- Project Abstract Summary Form: The Project Abstract
Summary succinctly describes the project in plain language that the public can
understand and use without the full proposal. If the application is funded,
your project abstract information (as submitted) will be made available to
public websites and/or databases including USAspending.gov. An abstract must be
included and should contain a brief description of the CI, research themes, and
proposed activities. The abstract should appear on a separate page, headed with
the proposal title, institution’s investigators, total proposed cost and budget
period. The summary should be prepared to be readable to a broad audience and
contain the following sections:
- Project Name/Title
- Primary Contact (name, address, telephone, fax, e-mail)
- Primary Recipient Institution
- Other Investigators (name, affiliated institution or agency)
- Brief Project including objectives and intended benefits
- Partners
- Results from Prior Research: The results of related
projects supported by NOAA and other agencies should be described, including
their relation to the currently proposed work. Reference to each prior research
award should include the title, agency, award number, Principal Investigators,
period of award, and total award. The section should be a brief summary and
should not exceed two pages.
- Project Narrative (Description of Work Plan- Research
Plan) to include the following:
- Description of Work - Research Plan
- Introduction/Narrative - Information contained in this
section of the proposal should provide background information and significance
of the proposed research.
- Specific Aims/Milestones - Information contained in this
section of the proposal should provide the proposed goals and expected
outcomes. It should also show when the researcher expects to reach the proposed
goals and outcomes.
- Timeline for Milestones (table showing the timeline for the
- Relationship to NOAA Goals - Information contained in this
section of the proposal should show how the proposed research relates to the
current NOAA Research Goals identified by the Cooperative Institute.
- Education Outreach Plans
- Description of Project Performance Sites - List facilities
that may be used outside of the Cooperative Institute where research will take
place that is directly related to the proposed research - this would not
include consortium members.
- List of Senior and Key Personnel - Describe their specific
role as it relates to the specific aims/milestones.
- Description of Data Sharing - Information in this section
of the proposal shows how the final research data will be shared and with whom
or explains why data-sharing is not possible at this time and the plan and
timeframe for data sharing.
- Publication/Reference Review - Each reference should
include the names of all authors in the same sequence they appear in the
publications, the article title, the journal or book title, volume number, page
numbers, and year of publications. While there is no established page
limitation, this section should include bibliographic citations only and should
not be used to provide parenthetical information outside of the Research
- Detailed Budget in Microsoft Excel Format (template)
- Detailed
Budget Narrative
- Vitae (single-spaced, 12-point font, 1-inch margins, two
(2) pages maximum, per person) - Provide resumes of the Principal Investigator
for the project and other key personnel critical to the success of the project.
Ensure that resumes address qualifications relevant to conducting the proposed
work. Publication lists should be limited to all publications in the last 3
years with up to five other relevant papers.
- Current and Pending Support - For each principal
investigator, submit a list which includes project title, supporting agency
with grant number, investigator months, dollar value, and duration. Requested
values should be listed for pending support.
Accepted submission of data to the NOAA National Centers for Environmental
Information(NCEI) is one way to satisfy data sharing requirements; however,
NCEI is not obligated to accept all submissions and may charge a fee,
particularly for large or unusual datasets.
Environmental data and information collected or created under NOAA grants or
cooperative agreements must be made discoverable by and accessible to the
general public, in a timely fashion (typically within two years), free of
charge or at no more than the cost of reproduction, unless an exemption is
granted by the NOAA Program. Data should be available in at least one
machine-readable format, preferably a widely-used or open-standard format, and
should also be accompanied by machine-readable documentation (metadata),
preferably based on widely-used or international standards.
Proposal submitters are hereby advised that the final pre-publication
manuscripts of scholarly articles produced entirely or primarily with NOAA
funding will be required to be submitted to NOAA Institutional Repository after
acceptance, and no later than upon publication. Such manuscripts shall be made
publicly available by NOAA one year after publication by the journal.
Questions related to the proposal submission process should be directed to Whitley Alford, NGI Program Administrator .